Our prices for the realization of Energy Efficiency Certificates, OBLIGATORY since June 1, 2013, according to Real Decreto 235/2013 of 5 April, if you are selling or renting your home, office or local.
The offeredEnergy certificate includes:
*first visit home;
* development of energy efficiency certificate according to RD 235/2013 of 5 April.
-Certificate of energy efficiency of the existing building.
-Annex I. Description of the energy characteristics of the building.
-Annex II. The energy efficiency rating of the existing building .
-Annex III. Recommendations for improving the energy efficiency.
-Annex IV. Description of tests, checks, and inspections being carried out by the technician while providing the certification.
-Annex V. Economic analysis of improvement measures guidance by procedure CE³X.
* Register the same in Сonsejería de economía, innovación, ciencia y empleo de la junta de Andalucía.
Buildings inside a block (flat or apartment)
Isolated house
Complete multirelative block
To be consulted
* The price doesn't include VAT.
* All EEC developed by M & M are entirely made by Association of Technical Architects and have liability insurance for CEE.